2 Pic is a free image editor and frame designer. This application lets us resize our images by using the most popular formats. We can manage two different photos at a time, or have the same one duplicated, so that we can view the difference between the original one and the resulting image after we have applied any of the effects available. It is possible to edit (copy/paste/undo/redo) our photographs, and merge/resize them, make color expressions, and add frames. The frame maker function lets us create our own frames. We can add effects such as aerosol, fade, switch the colors, add texts, set brightness/contrast/color saturation, and join two images together. After the task completion, we can save our work, and print it. The user interface is context-sensitive, and easy to manage. The disadvantages that I have found in this program are the following: This program requires a 1024x768 (or higher) screen resolution, which I find too uncomfortable. The program did not support the original sizes of my digital photos and it made them smaller. The resizing option is very limited (only pixel are accepted - no centimeters or inches). The resulting images did not look professional.